Tuesdays & Thursdays - Toddler Program

For children ages 18 to 30 months

Tuesday and Thursday mornings

Ratio:  5:1  (Children to Educators)

Group size: 10 children

A licensed early education program that provides a flexible, positive and supportive environment for an early start in your child’s learning and development. The program promotes independence, social skills, language, learning to learn. Age appropriate opportunities include:  outdoor play (weather permitting), climbing, water play, sand play, dramatic play (dressing up, doll play, use of props), exploration of the natural world, music, creative play (with playdough, art materials, paint), block play (large and small), cognitive play (puzzles, sorting toys etc.), manipulative play, books and a circle time every day where we sing songs, use simple instruments, learn finger plays and read a story.


Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - Preschool Program

For children ages 2½ to 5 years

Three half days per week

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays

(9:00am – 11:30am)

Ratio:  8:1 (Children to Educators)

Group size: 8 to 12 children

The Orleans Preschool has a wide range of equipment and materials, to invite your children’s interest, to stimulate their creativity and to satisfy their desire to explore, experiment, discover and learn.

Our Preschool Programs include creative activities, books and stories, science experiences, songs and movement to music, Special Events/Guests, dramatic play, fine motor activities, daily outdoor play, snack time, oral language (speaking and listening activities), reading and writing readiness activities, early math activities, nutrition, safety knowledge, weather, seasons, calendars, exciting programming to explore, sensory play, variety of gross motor activities…and more!

Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays Preschool Program

For children ages 2½ to 5 years

Three full days per week

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays

(9:00am – 2:45pm)

Ratio:  8:1 (Children to Educators)

Group size: 12 to 16 children

The Orleans Preschool has a wide range of equipment and materials, to invite your children’s interest, to stimulate their creativity and to satisfy their desire to explore, experiment, discover and learn.

Our Preschool Programs include creative activities, books and stories, science experiences, songs and movement to music, Special Events/Guests, dramatic play, fine motor activities, daily outdoor play, snack time, oral language (speaking and listening activities), reading and writing readiness activities, early math activities, nutrition, safety knowledge, weather, seasons, calendars, exciting programming to explore, sensory play, variety of gross motor activities…and more!

Tuesdays & Thursdays - Preschool Program

For children ages 2½ to 5 years

Two full days per week

Tuesdays and Thursdays

(9:00am – 2:45pm)

Ratio:  8:1 (Children to Educators)

Group size: 12 to 16 children

The Orleans Preschool has a wide range of equipment and materials, to invite your children’s interest, to stimulate their creativity and to satisfy their desire to explore, experiment, discover and learn.

Our Preschool Programs include creative activities, books and stories, science experiences, songs and movement to music, Special Events/Guests, dramatic play, fine motor activities, daily outdoor play, snack time, oral language (speaking and listening activities), reading and writing readiness activities, early math activities, nutrition, safety knowledge, weather, seasons, calendars, exciting programming to explore, sensory play, variety of gross motor activities…and more!